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Ashley's Double Masterpiece

I got such a treat in the post today from Ashley Hutchings - a pre-release CD of his new double album "Paradise and Thorns" (released Nov 2nd). It's brilliant. I was part of the recording sessions for this last December and loved every second. Ash has revisited and updated his classic "Gloucester Docks" album across 32 tracks, and also asked me to compose a new song called "The Swift" which I'm honoured to say is included on disc 2. I'm so proud of it, and loved collaborating with J.J. Stoney on piano. I wrote the song in honour of swifts, the only bird known to mate and spend all their lives on the wing.

"When our eyes stung with sleep we rose up higher

In dreamlessness we stoked and fired

And slept in motion".

"The Swift" (Becky Mills)


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